Historic Venues in Gretna, LA
01. Louisiana State Fire Museum
The Louisiana State Fire Museum is home of the David Crockett Volunteer Fire Company No. 1, organized in 1841 and believed to be the oldest…
02. William D. White House
This 1845 historic Creole cottage was the home of village blacksmith, William D. White, his wife and nine children. The original home had four rooms…
03. Kitty Strehle House
Claudius Strehle, a tailor, came to America in 1832 from near Gocklingen, Germany. In 1838, Catherina Nousz joined him and became his bride. They crossed…
04. Ignatius Strehle House
This 1860 Creole cottage with chambered Greek Revival columns was originally constructed of barge board by Ignatius and Catherine Strehle. Gretna Historical Society renovated the…
05. Gretna Green Blacksmith Shop
The Gretna Green Blacksmith Shop commemorates all blacksmith shops that were active during the 1800s. The Blacksmith Shop, prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, was open to scheduled…
06. Southern-Pacific Freight Depot
The Southern Pacific Freight Depot was built in 1906 in a unique style not typically found in Louisiana. Located on 4th Street at Huey P.…
07. Gretna City Hall (Old Jefferson Parish Courthouse)
Gretna City Hall is the grandest structure of its age in all of Jefferson Parish today and reflects a picture of the historic preservation of…
08. Jefferson Memorial Arch
The Jefferson Memorial Arch was built in 1923 and is located in the newly created Memorial Gardens on the Commons of Huey P. Long Avenue…
09. Gretna Marketplace
Originally a downtown Gretna parking lot, in the early 1990s, the Marketplace pavilion was constructed under the direction of former Mayor Ronnie Harris with the…
10. Heritage House Welcome Center
Heritage House Information & Welcome Center was once the home of businessman John Linden. The beautifully restored 1840 Center Hall was formerly located at 111…
11. Gretna Cultural Center for the Arts
The Cultural Center, once the Gretna Post Office on Huey P. Long Avenue and 4th Street is a handsome example of Depression-era architecture. It was…
12. St. Joseph's Church and Shrine on the Westbank
Erected in 1926, this was the third church building erected on the site at 610 Sixth Street. Beautiful historic St. Joseph’s, a landmark in Gretna…
13. Hook & Ladder Cemetery
The Hook and Ladder Cemetery was founded on Feb.15, 1858 when three lots of ground, #1, #2 and #3 on the corner of 10th and…
14. McDonoghville Cemetery
The McDonoghville Cemetery, originally known as the McDonogh Cemetery, is located on the site of the old John McDonogh plantation in McDonoghville, most of which…
15. German-American Cultural Center
Established to honor the German immigrants who founded Gretna, Louisiana, in 1836, the German-American Cultural Center has a free museum with historic photographs of Gretna…
16. Gretna Trolley #1
While driving around Gretna, you may see the delightful trolley on the roadways. A blast from the past, the trolley has wooden seats, leather hand…
17. Illinois Central Caboose
Built in 1951 by the Illinois Central Railroad company, in 1986 the little red caboose was relocated to its present site directly behind the Southern…
18. Texas-Pacific Depot
The Texas Pacific Railroad Station, listed on the National Register of Historical Places is located at 139 3rd Street, behind Gretna City Hall. Built in…