Our history
About Gretna Historical Society
The Gretna Historical Society was founded in Gretna, Louisiana, in 1969, by Lloyd E. Gomez (insurance man, volunteer firefighter, and community activist), who descended from Gretna pioneers, German immigrants Claudius and Catherine Nuss Strehle. The Society’s articles of incorporation were drafted by Gretna attorney Everette F. Gauthreaux and signed in his law office on October 26, 1969. Today, the GHS operates the Gretna Historical Society Museum Complex at the corner of Lafayette Street at Second. It consists of three 19th century Creole cottages, a blacksmith shop, and the Louisiana Fire Museum.
The GHS also owns and maintains the caboose and train depot on Huey P. Long Avenue at Fourth Street. There are no requirements for membership in the GHS, other than the timely payment of annual membership dues of $30 per person. Monthly meetings are held at the St. Joseph’s Auditorium at 7th and Newton Streets on the second Thursday of every month at 7:00 p.m. Guests and prospective members are always welcome to attend the meetings.
Benefits of becoming a member:
- 12 monthly meetings with complimentary food and beverages (including wine, beer and soft drinks)
- Exclusive Members Only Events: Mardi Gras Party, Crawfish Boils, Barbecue, Wine Tastings, Christmas Parties and Special Speakers/Programs
- Great guest speakers
- Networking Opportunities with other members (business owners and service providers) in the community
- Advanced monthly newsletter distribution
- Special benefits and features in the Members-only section of the Society's website
Gretna Historical Society
P.O. Box 115, Gretna, LA 70054-0115
Phone: 504.362.3854
Email: directoroffacilities@gretnahistoricalsociety.org
Our Board
Val Coles
President -
Blaine Daigle
Vice President -
Sylvia Schwarz
Recording Secretary -
Holly Williams
Corresponding Secretary -
Sarah Daigle
Treasurer -
Stephanie Dieterich
Historian & Archivist -
Judy LeBlanc
Sergeant At Arms -
Liza LaFrance
Parliamentarian -
M. Helen Williams
Board Member/Editor & Public Relations -
Paul Coles
Board Member/Hospitality & Programs -
Dwight Maness
Board Member at Large -
Joe Miller
Board Member at Large